Member Stories

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Sarah Al-Sheikhli

Hi, my name is Sarah. I am a journalist by trade, working towards a qualification in the construction industry. I have worked in both the mental health and disability sectors for a few years. While studying journalism, I minored in environmental sciences which led me to the voluntary human extinction movement (VHEMT). At the time I thought the idea was absolutely ridiculous and absurd.

I believe in Antinatalism because of the ethical reasoning around gambling with another person's life without their consent, uncertainty, and no guarantees in life except death. Other reasons include: economic enslavement of future generations, existentialism, futility, and determinism. Secondary reasons are environmental catastrophes, loss of biodiversity, overpopulation, economic collapse, the loss of civil liberties and the rise of statism. I am the author of the first Antinatalist Children's Book titled "The Princess & The Oracle" which can be found here.  


Buster (they/them) is an antinatalist based in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. They're a consent-based antinatalist who believes that important decisions like taking and giving life require consent. Buster had served as a moderator on Reddit of r/antinatalism since January 2017 and, previously, r/sanctionedsuicide. They are involved in activism on behalf of various communities, participating in intersectional queer, feminist, and anti-racist organisations. Their interests include science fiction, linguistics, technology, and public policy. You can contact me by emailing


Born and raised in NZ to Fijian Indian parents, I'm currently living in my hometown of Christchurch after 5 years in Motueka. I've worked in the IT, engineering and healthcare fields - but I don't like work to define me! My real passions are philosophy, nature, gaming, and free and open source (FOSS) software. I'm an antinatalist because preventing birth prevents potential suffering, and to me reducing suffering is more important than creating potential pleasure. It is more important to fix the issues that existing people face instead of creating more need. You can contact me at:


Born to an artist in semi-rural Te Waipounamu, I came to antinatalism as a youngster. As a young adult I identified most closely with the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, which is more closely focused on the climate impact of humanity, before swinging more to the moral quandary of the suffering of all life on earth. The burden falls on us to alleviate the suffering of others. The buck stops with us. I am a caregiver, a career I love, and make as much time as I can to help others and spread the word through art. I aspire to hike Te Araroa and see Antarctica before it’s gone, hopefully in good company. 

I can be contacted at


Kia Ora, Ko Kane Ahau! (My name is Kane!) I created Antinatalism NZ as a space for Antinatalists in New Zealand to find each other and connect. I sporadically post on my Youtube Channel Apostrophe Philosophy. In my spare time I enjoy tramping, reading, and exercise! You can contact me by emailing